Short Bio

I am a senior lecturer in the Computer Science and Software Engineering Division at Mälardalen University. Here, I also did my postdoctoral research under Prof. Björn Lisper. I did my PhD in Computer Science (awarded Apto Cum Laude) from the Technical University of Madrid under the supervision of Samir Genaim and German Puebla. I was one of the Erasmus Mundus scholars to complete a European Master in Computational Logic from the Technical University of Madrid, Spain, and the University of Technology, Dresden, Germany. Most of my research was done in the area of static program analysis. I have developed many static analyzers including Static data race detector, pointer analysis, program slicers, software dependency analysis, Software resource analyzer, etc. I have been teaching compiler theory for several years for bachelor students with a focus on the practical implementation of a compiler for a subset of C language. I have published several research papers related to compiler theory with a distinguished paper award from the IEEE Computer Society.